Lesbian Divorce Rate 1.5X Higher Than Straight Couples (Latest Stats)

Is the lesbian divorce rate increasing every year? Right now, the whole internet is talking about the increasing divorce rates between lesbian couples. This might leave you wondering if it’s true and why it happens. 

When searching for more information on this topic, you are likely to come across divorce lawyer sites claiming that lesbian divorce rates are as high as 72%. However, this statistic isn’t accurate and doesn’t truly represent divorce rates.

When you dig deeper into the numbers, they are not as alarming as they first appear. However, they do indicate that lesbians might be more prone to divorce compared to gay male couples. Let’s take a closer look at the data to understand this better.

Lesbian Divorce Rate Data – Everything We Know

The information we have about lesbian divorce rates is limited. The fact that same-sex marriage hasn’t been legal for as long as straight marriage makes things even more complicated. This is one reason we lack years of data on gay couples. 

Also, it is tough to compare divorce patterns between same-sex couples and straight couples as they have different cultural expectations. Not to overlook, many same-sex couples married once it became legal, not necessarily when they were ready.

We only have a small study from 2011 suggesting that lesbians might not divorce as often as straight couples, but it may not be reliable. The primary research behind the “72% lesbian divorce rate” idea is from Wales and England, where same-sex marriage became legal in 2014. It found that in 2019, 72% of divorces among same-sex couples were between lesbians. However, this doesn’t mean that 72% of lesbian marriages end in divorce, just that lesbians are 72% more likely than gay men to divorce in those places.

In the Netherlands, about 26% of lesbian marriages from 2010 ended in divorce by 2020, more than gay male marriages (14%) and straight marriages (16%). 

In Belgium, where same-sex marriage was legalized in 2003, around 11% of female couples divorced by 2010, compared to 6.7% of male couples.

Some law firm websites claim a 34% divorce rate for lesbian couples, but they don’t cite reliable sources. It’s unclear where this number comes from or what it means.

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Why Are Lesbian Couples More Likely To Divorce Than Gay Male Couples?

What percentage of lesbian marriages end in divorce? Is the lesbian divorce rate higher than that of gay male couples? Well, the data doesn’t offer a complete understanding. Still, it does suggest something quite evident — many in the community perceive that lesbian couples are more prone to separation compared to gay men.

This perception comes from what they observe in their surroundings. It’s not just about the statistics; it’s also about the experiences in their lives, the narratives they encounter, and on social media. Even when considering celebrity relationships, it appears that more lesbians are tying the knot and subsequently ending their marriages. 

Despite same-sex marriage being relatively recent, there have already been instances of attending lesbian weddings that later dissolved into divorce. Additionally, there are multiple instances of lesbian couples who have parted ways and, in some cases, remarried.

What is the lesbian divorce rate in recent years? Data from the Office for National Statistics in 2019 revealed that 56% of same-sex marriages involved women. However, the divorce rate among lesbians was significantly higher. In 2019, 72% of same-sex divorces involved lesbian couples, which is about three times higher than that of gay male couples. The divorce rate for lesbians was 78% in 2016, 74% in 2017, and 75% in 2018.

Do More Lesbian Couples Break Up Because Both Partners Are Women? 

In the UK, about two-thirds of divorce requests come from women. This means women are more likely to want a divorce. So, if two women are married, two people might want to split up.

A divorce lawyer told The Economist in 2020 that women are less likely than men to tolerate cheating in a marriage. Dutch women, for example, mention infidelity as a reason for divorce more often than men. However, straight women might be more used to forgiving or expecting cheating from a male partner than lesbians are.

On the other hand, gay men are generally more accepting of having sex outside of marriage. Around 30% to 60% of gay male couples have some form of non-monogamous relationship. There are mixed opinions on whether marriages with open relationships are more or less likely to end in divorce among straight couples. However, comparing straight and gay couples is tricky because societal expectations differ based on gender.

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Do Lesbians Want To Get Married More Than Gay Men Do?

Well, wanting to get married a lot could be why someone gets married, even if it doesn’t work out in the end, like in Love is Blind.

It was thought maybe lesbians want to get married, mainly because they might have or want kids, which often involves marriage. This might lead to more divorces among lesbians. But it turns out they are just a bit more eager to get married than gay men, not a lot.

A study in 2013 by Pew found that 58% of lesbians, 56% of gay men, and 45% of bisexuals would like to get married someday if they could. Some weren’t sure or said no. But fewer lesbians said no (12%) compared to gay men (18%)! What wasn’t considered much was that many lesbians might not like the idea of traditional marriage and other extensive systems. That could have influenced these results.

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Why Do Lesbian Couples Divorce?

Lesbian couples, like any other couples, may face challenges in their relationships that can sometimes lead to divorce. While every relationship is unique, there are several common reasons why lesbian couples may decide to part ways:

  • Communication Issues

As in any relationship, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and unresolved conflicts. When communication breaks down, it can strain the relationship and make it challenging to address issues effectively.

  • Differences in Goals and Values

Sometimes, couples may realize they have incompatible long-term goals or values. These differences can create tension and make it hard for the relationship to thrive.

  • Financial Strain

Financial stress can put a significant strain on any relationship. Lesbian couples may face additional challenges related to income disparities or discrimination in the workplace, which can exacerbate financial tensions.

  • Parenting Disputes

For lesbian couples who have children or are considering starting a family, disagreements about parenting styles or responsibilities can lead to conflict. These disagreements may become more pronounced if the couple faces societal judgment or legal challenges related to their family structure.

  • Infidelity

Infidelity can be a devastating blow to any relationship, including those between lesbian partners. Trust is essential in any partnership, and betrayal can be challenging.

  • Lack of Support

Some lesbian couples may face discrimination or lack of support from their families, friends, or communities. This lack of support can strain the relationship and make it harder for the couple to navigate challenges together.

It’s important to remember that every relationship is unique, and these reasons may not apply to all lesbian couples who choose to divorce. Ultimately, the decision to end a relationship is deeply personal, and individuals need to prioritize their happiness and well-being.

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Final Words

The increasing lesbian divorce rate all around the world highlights the importance of understanding the unique dynamics and challenges within same-sex relationships. When looking at divorce rates among lesbian couples, it’s essential to realise that many different things can affect why couples split up. While some might think that lesbians divorce more because they want to get married or face societal pressures, studies show this isn’t true. Lesbians don’t divorce more than other groups. What matters in any relationship is how well the partners get along, communicate, and handle challenges together.


What percentage of lesbian marriages end in divorce?

Almost 72% of lesbian marriages end in divorce.

What type of couple has the highest divorce rate?

According to reports, lesbian couples have the highest divorce rates among all.

Which gender has the highest divorce rate?

Statistics show that women initiate divorce more than men do.

Which group has the highest divorce rate?

Black women are the group that has the highest divorce rate.

Which couple is most likely to get divorced?

Those who wed multiple times are more likely to get divorced.

Who initiates divorce more?

Women initiate divorce more.

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