White Noise Sound Frequency, Benefits & How to Use

Do you struggle to fall asleep? If so, white noise could be a possible solution for you.

Sleep is essential for both our body and mind. Having a good night’s sleep means waking up with a fresh mood and energized body the following day. But unfortunately, falling asleep is not that easy for some people.

Poor sleeping habits and insomnia are two top reasons that deprive a person of resting peacefully. If you are one of those people, white noise sound might be helpful for you.

Now you might wonder, what is white noise? We will tell you more about that in the post below.

What is White Noise?

Before delving deeper into the use of white noise, it is important to learn “what is white noise?”

White noise sleep is a blend of all audible frequencies, similar to the static you might hear on a poorly tuned television or radio. It’s often called broadband noise due to its wide-ranging nature across the sound spectrum.

For years, scientists have looked into how white noise affects people. Based on the studies conducted, white noise can boost productivity at work, calm crying babies, and may even help with symptoms of ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Some studies also show how white noise might influence sleep in humans.

White Noise vs. Brown Noise

Before we tell you how to sleep with white noise, let us first understand the difference between white and brown noise.

Brown noise, sometimes called red noise, is a broad-spectrum sound similar to white noise. It encompasses sounds from across the entire range of octaves in the sound spectrum, yet the intensity of frequencies decreases with each successive octave.

This decrease is more pronounced than pink noise, giving brown noise a perceived more profound quality than pink or white noise. Some individuals find the sound of brown noise similar to that of a shower or rainfall.

Research suggests that brown noise may have potential benefits in alleviating symptoms associated with tinnitus and enhancing cognitive performance. However, its impact on sleep has yet to be investigated enough.

White Noise vs. Pink Noise

You already know what is a white noise. Now, we will tell you the difference between white and pink noise.

Like white noise, pink noise is a broad-spectrum sound that includes elements from various parts of the sound spectrum. Within each octave, pink noise encompasses a range of sounds, yet the strength of its frequencies diminishes by three decibels with each successive octave. 

This characteristic gives pink noise a lower pitch compared to white noise. Researchers have found the sound of pink noise soothing, similar to the rush of a waterfall. 

Studies indicate that pink noise can enhance cognitive performance and promote deep sleep in older adults.

When talking about white noise, one question that keeps popping up “Is white noise bad for you?” Although white noise helps you sleep, it may have some adverse effects, mainly if you use it every night. It can harm your brain by overstimulating your auditory cortex and cause hearing issues. This is why it is not good to get too dependent on it.

Also see: Green Noise Sound Frequency, Benefits & How to Use

Does White Noise Help You Sleep?

What is white noise for sleeping? Does white noise help you sleep? You will find the answer in this section if you are wondering what the answer is.

Not enough evidence or studies are available to confirm whether white noise helps you sleep. However, it is an excellent aid in masking unwanted background noise that might disrupt sleep.

What’s white noise? A recent study looking at how white noise affects sleep shows mixed results. The researchers doubt if the current evidence is trustworthy and suggest more studies are needed before saying white noise is good for everyone’s sleep. They also highlight cases where white noise might affect hearing and disrupt sleep.

However, some studies suggest that white noise can help babies fall asleep faster and change how adults sleep if it plays all night. For example, one study found that adults who listened to white noise fell asleep 38% faster. For instance, people living in noisy environments fell asleep quickly and slept longer when they heard white noise. Even seriously ill patients in noisy hospitals said they slept better when they listened to white noise with headphones.

What’s white noise? Loud and unwanted noises can disrupt your sleep, causing your heart to beat faster. For instance, noises from transportation, such as planes and cars, are thought to be a big reason why people don’t sleep well, which could affect their health. 

Why does white noise help you sleep? Having constant white noise in the background might make you less likely to notice sudden noises, helping you sleep better.

Now that you know the white noise meaning, let’s move onto other details.

How To Choose A White Noise Machine?

Many people use white noise machines to produce white noise when sleeping. These machines are designed to generate types of white noise, helping you relax and calm your mind. If you plan to get one for yourself, you must consider the following factors to choose the best white noise sound machine.

  • App or Machine

White noise machines are usually bigger and pricier but often deliver superior sound quality. On the other hand, mobile apps offer convenience, especially when traveling, as you don’t need to carry any extra gadgets with you.

  • Sound Quality

When it comes to sound, white noise machines either produce it mechanically or play recorded digital white noise. It’s wise to read reviews to determine the sound quality before deciding.

  • Volume Control

Adjusting the volume of your white noise is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Check the manufacturer’s specs to ensure the machine offers the required volume range.

  • Sleep Timer

Most white noise machines have a sleep timer feature, but the options vary. Some allow you to set custom durations, while others offer preset time blocks.

  • Cost

As far as the cost is concerned, some white noise rain apps provide budget-friendly or free options. However, the price of a white noise machine can vary significantly, ranging between $50 and $100.

  • Additional Sounds

If you are new to using White Noise for Sleeping, you might want to explore apps or machines that offer other soothing sounds besides white noise. This way, you can experiment and find what works best for you.

How To Set The Volume Of Your White Noise Machine?

After knowing what are white noises, many of you will want to buy a white noise machine. Once you bring the machine home, the next step is to set the volume. Now the question is, how do you do it? You might find this information helpful if you haven’t used a white noise machine before.

So, as you know, there are no set guidelines or rules for setting the volume of a white noise machine. However, it is essential to be mindful of the noise level. 

Is sleeping with white noise bad? Exposure to sounds measuring 70 decibels or higher can pose long-term risks like hearing loss and ear ringing. Research indicates that nearly 65% of infant white noise apps and machines produce sounds louder than recommended, particularly when placed close to the sleeper. 

Is white noise good for sleep? To determine the appropriate volume, consider relocating the machine to a room corner and adjusting it to match the level of light rustling or a gentle background conversation.

White Noise For Kids And Babies

When discussing white noise benefits, it is worth knowing how it affects babies and kids. If you are considering using a white noise machine to help your baby sleep, you must first ask, Is it bad to sleep with white noise?” Let’s find out about it in the below lines.

Around 30% of children struggle to fall and stay asleep. And this is why caregivers use white noise to help babies fall asleep faster.

How does white noise help you sleep? Although some experts suggest using white noise, few studies prove its benefits for kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics even warns parents about claims made by companies selling white noise machines for infants.

White noise, like other loud sounds, could harm children’s hearing. Sadly, some white noise machines for babies produce sounds that are too loud and could damage their hearing. For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends some safety steps for using white noise machines:

  • Keep the machine away from the crib or bed.
  • Set the volume to a low level.
  • Use the machine for only a short time.

Caregivers who have questions about using white noise for baby should talk to a pediatrician for more advice and help.

Tips To Use White Noise For Sleeping

One of the sound effects of white noise on the brain is that it helps it relax and calm down. That’s why many people use white noise – YouTube- to fall asleep. If you also want to try it, here are some tips for you:

  • Set a fixed bedtime

Going to sleep simultaneously each night helps wind down and prepares your body for sleep.

  • Engage in relaxing evening activities

Bathing, reading, or enjoying a warm drink can promote relaxation before bedtime.

  • Create a conducive sleep environment

You should adjust your room temperature and switch off all light sources for a good night’s sleep. Also, choose comfortable bedding to enhance your sleep space.

  • Adjust white noise settings

Whether a white noise machine or an app, you should set the white noise volume to your preference before switching off the lights.

Knowing the benefits of white noise helps you use it correctly. There are countless white noise examples on the internet. Before incorporating it into your daily sleep routine, try some free white noises for sleep.

Benefits Of White Noise

Before you start sleeping with white noise, you must learn the benefits. These include:

  • Helps relax and reduce stress

What is white noise used for? White noise machines are well-known for their ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Their steady sound output creates a calm environment that promotes peaceful sleep. Additionally, this sound can effectively block out other unwanted and stressful noises, such as traffic sounds from outside.

  • Blocks out outside noises

Is it good to sleep with white noise? Living in a busy area, like near an airport or noisy street, can make it difficult to sleep peacefully. White noise machines can minimize external disturbances by covering up unwanted noises. This makes it easier to achieve uninterrupted sleep.

  • Helps people with ADHD

People with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) struggle to focus and stay attentive. External noises often disrupt their concentration, making it difficult for them to stay focused. A white noise machine can reduce these distractions and create a more conducive environment for productivity and concentration.

  • Improves mental clarity

White noise machines help eliminate distractions and improve mental clarity. This makes them beneficial for meditation and promotes calmness and focus.

  • Relieves Tinnitus Symptoms

What is considered white noise? Tinnitus, which involves persistent ear buzzing or ringing, can disrupt sleep patterns. For those dealing with tinnitus, white noise machines provide relief by masking these bothersome sounds. This helps individuals to fall asleep more easily and enjoy a peaceful rest.

  • Enhances Sleep Quality

What is white noise? White noise can also help enhance your sleep quality. It does so by creating a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. Studies show that people using these machines as part of their sleep routine often experience more profound and restorative sleep. This, in turn, leads to improved overall health and well-being.

Before investing in an expensive white noise machine, you can try experimenting with free white noises for sleep. There are plenty of those available online.

Now that we have explained white noise meaning and its benefits, let’s move onto other details.

Drawbacks Of White Noise

Can white noise be harmful to adults or kids? This is a common question people ask to determine if they should use it. While white noise has plenty of benefits, it is not free of cons. There are a few drawbacks to using white noise, and you should know them all.

  • Effectiveness varies

Can white noise be harmful? While many people benefit from white noise machines, they may not be effective for everyone. Some find the sound needs to be more varied or distracting.

  • Addictive

Listening to white noise every night to fall asleep can get you addicted to it. This dependence can make it challenging to sleep without the machine, particularly when traveling or in unfamiliar surroundings.

  • Risk of hearing damage

What does white noise do? Continuous exposure to high volumes of white noise can result in hearing damage over time. Using the machine at a low volume and for limited durations is crucial to protect your hearing.

  • Financial Considerations

What is white noise? Investing in a high-quality white noise machine can be costly, making it inaccessible for some. Additionally, the expense of replacing the machine or its components can accumulate over time.

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Final Words

Understanding the use and benefits of white noise helps you to incorporate it into your sleep routine correctly. While white noise enables you to sleep, it has some drawbacks, especially if you become too dependent. This is why using white noise machines or apps at a low volume and for a limited time is advisable.


What does white noise do?

White noise often aids relaxation, improves focus, and promotes better sleep by drowning out distractions.

What is an example of white noise?

An example of white noise is a fan running continuously or the static you might hear on a radio or television when no station is tuned in.

Is it OK to play white noise all night?

Playing white noise all night can be helpful for some people, as it can promote better sleep by blocking out disturbances and creating a soothing background sound. However, using white noise at a comfortable volume is essential and ensures it doesn’t cause discomfort.

What does it mean to use white noise?

Using white noise means playing a consistent background sound to mask other noises and promote relaxation.

Is it OK to use white noise?

Yes, it is OK to use white noise, especially if it helps you relax, concentrate, or sleep better.

What is pink noise vs white noise?

Pink and white noise are both types of sound that contain a mix of frequencies but have different characteristics. White noise contains all frequencies at equal intensity, and pink noise has more power in the lower frequencies, making it more profound and more bass-heavy.

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