The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Procrastination and Getting Your Homework Done

Procrastination is more common in students than one realizes. The habit of unnecessarily delaying actions often causes unwanted stress, missed opportunities, reduced well-being, and other concerns. Several candidates make up their minds to pull an all-nighter for their pending assignments (including yourself). However, when you sit down (with the TV playing in the background), you find those preposterous late-night commercials or soap operas too captivating to skip. Hence, you decide to finish watching them before you begin writing. Eventually, by that time, it’s too late, and your eyes and head want nothing else but to hit the sack and call it a night. The situation does seem familiar, doesn’t it? For many, it’s like a typical weeknight, and strangely, they keep finding and indulging something or the other that causes further work delays. Right up till when students realize there’s little time left for submission, they get down to writing the assignment in haste and resultantly fail to meet the professor’s required expectations.

Furthermore, the Psychology Today Report points out that procrastination is one of the chief causes of reduced grades in many pupils. Regardless of whether the cause of delay is ‘Netflixing,’ napping, cleaning, or lack of interest in the subject itself, you must look to overcome this habit and manage time wisely for doing homework properly. Of course, old habits die hard, and that makes overcoming procrastination more difficult than one expects. Some pupils opt for the easier option- hiring an assignment expert online and requesting them to ‘do my homework for me. The decision proves beneficial. Top-rated assignment writing websites (like and similar) have exceptional writers for 100+ subjects to help students. They accept orders 24/7.

So, those who struggle to finish their homework on time can visit MyAssignmentHelp, fill up the order form, and secure a writer to guide and mentor them for their pending tasks. If you succumb to procrastination, you can use their assignment writing services to finish homework quickly and make it submission-ready before the due date.

Now that you have a last-minute reliable option to turn to during emergencies let’s focus on the primary issue at hand – OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION so you can finish your homework without needing help from online experts! Below are some practical tips to follow!

Admit You Procrastinate and Figure Out The Main Cause

Recognizing that you have a problem with this habit is the first step towards breaking it. You begin to address the issue as soon as you acknowledge that you are purposefully postponing tasks when you shouldn’t be. 

Determining the primary reason behind your procrastination is the next step. There are several possible explanations, including a lack of interest in the subject, failure-related fear, or even psychiatric issues such as:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Overwhelming anxiety
  • Lack of support structure
  • Inability to self-motivate
  • Or some other emotional turmoil.

According to some specialists in the industry, rumination—fixing on unfavorable ideas and letting them rule your actions—may also contribute to procrastination! Over time, you can diagnose your procrastination after you identify the source or causes. The secret to it is cultivating a positive outlook and setting daily objectives for your studies and production. Let us discuss this in more detail in the next point.

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Establishing a Realistic Study Plan and Daily Work Target

As we mentioned before, procrastination is primarily caused by factors like emotional instability, low self-esteem, and an inability to push oneself. Fortunately, there is a tried-and-true method for adopting the proper mindset. Give yourself a worthwhile purpose or objective, or establish a daily objective that you must meet. Completing unfinished homework is beneficial in every case. Thus, try to set reasonable goals for your daily job and study time. 

For Instance:

You usually spend three to four hours a day studying. So what if we split up the study period into two sessions? One to review the material from your course. The other for doing the neglected school assignment. After that, you estimate how much work has to be done and break it up into smaller, more doable tasks.
Decide to write 1800–2000 words a day for two days if the paper is 4000 words long and is due in four days. Set aside the third day for editing, proofreading, plagiarism detection, referencing and citation correction, and final touches. 

When you’re done, you can utilize the remaining time to ask a reliable person to evaluate your finished product and offer constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Take note of the comments that have been shared and adjust as necessary.

Setting clear goals for your daily work and studies will help you stay on task and avoid procrastination. When you have a goal and a purpose in life, you will be more driven to keep up the good work ethic and complete the outstanding tasks ahead of schedule. So give this method a shot. It’s easy to do and has helped a number of people who have experienced the same negative behavior. 

But maintaining your productivity and working momentum also heavily depends on where you choose to learn. Learn more about that by reading on.

Find A Suitable Study Location

It could be alluring to spend your homework time curled up in bed with a laptop and a warm blanket while binge-watching Stranger Things. Still, don’t do that action. This isn’t the appropriate place for you to finish your task. Instead, you need to choose a comfortable study area where you can set up your laptop and all of your helpful writing supplies with enough light, a clean surface, and room to spare. Also, you can name-tag the area, meaning that no television or naps are allowed. Your mind will eventually adjust and focus on what’s important, such as your allocated assignment, whenever you sit down at that location.

Make the arrangements if your room has a suitable place. Get rid of all the clutter, install motivational wallpaper and appropriate lighting, and make sure that all necessary materials—such as dictionaries, textbooks, marker pens, and class notes—are easily accessible. Next, take a seat and concentrate solely on completing your schoolwork correctly in accordance with your daily goal. You’ll see how big of an impact having a good study space has on reducing procrastination and increasing productivity. 

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Keep Distractions at Bay

Distractions have multiple negative effects on productivity. One message from a close friend, girlfriend, or sibling is all it takes to ruin an extended and fruitful study session. Therefore, as soon as you’ve determined where to study, get rid of all distractions. To block out outside sounds, turn off laptop notifications, keep your phone mute, and even close the window. 

If it helps, you can block out distractions and maintain attention for extended periods of time by playing some relaxing white noise or gentle classical music. You also need to tell your siblings or parents not to bother you while you’re studying. If you have a pet, give it to your parent or sibling until you’re finished. While pets are cute and lovely to play with, their presence during your study session will only distract you and cause more unwanted delays.

Set A Reward System and Be Accountable When You Can’t Reach the Daily Target

It will take some time to break a long-standing habit of procrastinating. To break this behavior, self-control and appropriate discipline are required. Furthermore, it necessitates continuous self-motivation to complete a crucial activity ahead of a deadline. Such cases are ideally suited for establishing a reward system.

Reward yourself with a fun activity when you complete a segment of your assignment ahead of time. You may, for instance, go on a walk with your pet, grab some ice cream, or take a power sleep. When the contrary occurs, though, you have to acknowledge responsibility for your actions and motivate yourself to improve the next time. 

You can teach your brain to become less prone to procrastination by cultivating such positive habits and mindset. If anything, you would want to prove yourself right and work harder the next day to succeed where you failed previously. 

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Partage in Group Studies 

Some students lack the motivation and drive to study or complete their assignments by themselves. They try, but they are unable to adopt that constructive and upbeat outlook. They eventually give up on any motivation they may have and give in to pessimism and procrastination. 

It’s time to switch strategies if you’re one of the same. Work along with a few of your classmates to set up study sessions in groups. Participating in group studies requires you to shoulder some of the responsibility, which will help you become more proactive and release any negative emotions. 

Participating in group learning exercises fosters a sense of accountability both to the group and to oneself. It generates just the perfect amount of work pressure to force you to take the task at hand seriously and work on it with determination. Group studies also always add interest to the material. You can debate ideas and approaches to use in the paper as well as share knowledge about the subject of the project. Your willingness to participate and take responsibility for the group as well as your outstanding work will ultimately ensure that you complete it accurately and ahead of schedule.

For more such interesting content, keep reading Myinstants Blog.

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