How To Get Rid of a Stye Overnight Fast at Home?

If you have ever experienced stye, you understand how bothersome it can be. A stye, that red, achy bump on the edge of your eyelid, can throw a wrench in your day and make you wonder how to get rid of a stye overnight.

A stye, also known as hordeolum, is a kind of bacterial infection that targets the sebaceous glands of your eyelid. Interestingly, it can also be fuelled by those tiny Demodex mites that call the surface of your eyelids home. While generally not a significant health concern, styes can be quite the eyesore and cause severe discomfort.

Luckily, most styes tend to clear up independently after a few days without much intervention. However, a round of oral antibiotics or topicals might be necessary for stubborn or recurrent cases. You can also try home remedies that are known to remove them faster.

What is a stye?

Before we tell you how to get rid of a stye, let us first learn what a stye is. A stye is a bacterial invasion targeting the sebaceous glands of your eyelid.

Bacteria usually sneak their way into these glands either through the meibomian gland or via the opening in the eyelash follicle. This causes the surrounding eyelid area to turn red and swollen like a balloon. It’s tender to the touch and may also cause pus or discharge.

The Staphylococcus aureus bacteria cause most styes. But in some cases, Staphylococcus epidermidis is the culprit. Knowing the actual cause of the infection helps an eye doctor to prescribe the proper medication.

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What causes stye?

External styes occur when a hair follicle on the eyelash becomes infected, whereas internal styes affect the underside of the eyelid. It is common for people to get sick, and many of them carry the staph bacteria that causes the infection.

However, several factors increase the risk of getting a stye by spreading these bacteria to the eyes. These factors include:

  • Weak immune system due to conditions such as diabetes
  • High serum lipids
  • Blepharitis, which irritates the skin on the eyelid
  • Previous history of styes
  • Skin conditions like rosacea
  • Using makeup or eye products that irritate the eyes or block the eyelid hair follicles
  • Sharing eye makeup with someone who has a stye

What are the symptoms of stye?

You might feel a painful bump near your eye when you have a stye. However, it might take a few days before the bump gets big enough for you to see it. Before the bump, some people notice pain, irritation, or burning around their eyes.

Other symptoms of a stye can include:

  • A red bump that might look like a pimple under your eyelid or at the base of your eyelashes
  • Being sensitive to light
  • Feeling like something is in your eye
  • Finding it hard to open your eyes fully
  • Irritation or oozing

There’s a similar condition called a chalazion, which happens when the oil glands of your eyelid get blocked. Some chalazia don’t hurt, but these bumps can get extensive, and sometimes they show up after a stye has healed.

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Are stye contagious?

As we mentioned before, styes happen because of staphylococcal bacteria. These bacteria are generally on your skin or nose and aren’t usually harmful. When you touch your nose and eye, these bacteria might move to your eyelid, causing an infection. 

But this infection usually stays in one spot and doesn’t spread to others. It often depends on how likely you are to get an infection at that time. Sometimes, styes can come back again.

Now that you have an idea about what stye is, let’s move on to the remedies to treat it. We will now tell you how to fix a stye fast.

How to get rid of a stye overnight?

So, how to get rid of stye on eyelid fast? Well, you can try a few home remedies to get rid of the painful bump you are experiencing. We have detailed each of the remedies in the lines below.

  1. Warm Compress 

A warm compress is a simple and effective way to treat a stye at home. All you have to do is soak a clean cloth in warm water, place it over the affected eye for 10-15 minutes, and repeat this process 2-4 times daily. Afterward, gently massage the style to help unclog the oil gland, which can speed up the healing process. 

An excellent warm compress can help in various ways:

  • It softens the material inside the stye, making it easier to drain.
  • It helps unclog the gland, creating a path for pus to drain, particularly in internal styes.
  • It drains the pus in an external stye.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, using a warm compress for 10 to 15 minutes, three to four times a day, can help treat a stye. It is also an excellent way to prevent new styes from forming, especially if you get them frequently. 

It’s normal to see a small amount of blood in the drainage, but if there’s a lot of blood, it’s essential to see a doctor.

  1. Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera gel is known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties. Applying it to the infected eyelid for about 20 minutes can provide relief.

  1. Tea Bags 

Using warm, soaked tea bags as a compress might help, but there’s not enough scientific proof yet. Though it’s similar to using a warm compress, the heat only lasts a short time, which might make it less effective. Also, tea’s acidity could cause discomfort.

  1. Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil has properties that fight inflammation, fungi, and bacteria. You can use a cotton swab to apply it to the infected eye and then leave it on for 15 minutes. After that, rinse your eyes with warm water. Repeating this process 3-5 times daily can help you eliminate the infection faster.

  1. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is well-known for its healing properties. Massaging it onto the stye can help reduce inflammation and pain, speeding up healing.

These home remedies are only good for treating mild cases. For severe and persistent styes, you should go to a doctor.

Now that you know how to treat a stye at home, let’s lead you to other treatment options.

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Prescription Medications 

Your doctor might give you antibiotic cream or eye drops for your eyelid. If the infection is wrong, they might suggest oral antibiotics. Stye treatment usually involves eye drops or ointment. You put the drops in your eye, and the ointment goes on the stye.

Here are some medicines for styes:

  • Chloramphenicol eye ointment and eye drops and ointment. Applying this on the stye protects against bacteria. You can also get it in pill form with a prescription. 
  • Your doctor might also prescribe erythromycin ointment, an antibiotic you put on your skin. 
  • TobraDex (dexamethasone/ tobramycin) is a mix of eye meds used to treat stye symptoms.

They might want you to come back for check-ups to see how you are doing and ensure you are healing right.



Over-the-counter (OTC) Medications

When a stye is painful, you can try over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines such as Bayer (aspirin) or Advil (ibuprofen), following the recommended dosage to ease the discomfort. 

Remember not to give aspirin to children under the recommended age. While there isn’t strong evidence backing topical antibiotic ointments, you might find some relief using over-the-counter options like Polysporin.




A minor surgical procedure can help relieve pressure and drain pus for styes that don’t go away on their own. If a stye lasts longer than two weeks or keeps coming back, it’s best to see a healthcare provider, ophthalmologist, or optometrist to avoid long-term problems.

If your stye doesn’t improve with antibiotics and warm compresses, it’s recommended to consult a doctor about drainage and incision. This procedure is done in a sterile setting in the doctor’s office. After numbing your eyelid with a local anesthetic injection, the doctor makes a small cut and drains the pus. The removed material is often examined under a microscope to rule out a rare but treatable cancer called sebaceous carcinoma.

Sometimes, a stye doesn’t completely disappear, and your body forms a painless lump on your eyelid called a chalazion. In most cases, this lump will heal independently without needing treatment.

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When should you go to a doctor?

Stye can be treated at home using the remedies we discussed in the previous section. But you may have to consult a doctor if you experience the following things:

  • A stye doesn’t improve with home remedies.
  • A baby or young child has a stye.
  • Your vision is affected by the stye.
  • Your eyelid swells shut.
  • You recently experienced eye injuries, like getting poked in the eye.
  • Other signs of infection include a fever.
  • You frequently get styes or have ongoing eyelid irritation.
  • Blood is oozing from the eyelid or the stye.

A doctor might prescribe pain relief medication or antibiotics to help ease symptoms and clear up the infection faster. If the symptoms start to affect your daily activities or become extremely painful, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention.

How to prevent styes?

To lower the chances of getting styes, follow these simple tips:

  • Wash your hands properly before touching your eyes and face. Make sure to clean them both before and after handling contact lenses.
  • If you have allergies like hay fever, take your prescribed medicine to stop your eyes from itching.
  • If you have other conditions like rosacea or blepharitis, treat them properly.
  • Wash your face to get rid of makeup and dirt before bed. This helps stop styes from forming. Also, change your eye makeup every few months, and don’t share it with anyone else.
  • Try not to touch or rub your eyes too much if you don’t need to.
  • Keep your contacts clean, and don’t reuse disposable ones. Please wash your hands well before handling them. If you are having eye trouble, take a break from wearing them.
  • Use the proper cleaning solutions for your contacts. If you use daily or limited-wear lenses, follow your doctor’s instructions for when to throw them away.

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Final Words

So, now you know how to get rid of a stye overnight. Make sure to use the recommended remedies to alleviate pain and discomfort. If the stye doesn’t go away in a week or two, visit a doctor. A professional will be able to help you better in severe situations. They might either prescribe medication or ask you to get a minor surgery done.

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What is the fastest cure for eye stye?

You can apply warm compresses several times daily and use over-the-counter antibiotic ointments to cure a stye faster.

Can a stye go away in 24 hours?

It’s unlikely for a stye to go away entirely in just 24 hours. It takes a few days to a couple of weeks to resolve, depending on the severity of the infection.

How to drain a stye at home?

To drain a stye at home, you can apply warm compresses to the infected eye for 10-15 minutes multiple times daily. This can help soften the stye and drain the pus naturally.

Do eye drops help a stye?

Yes, applying eye drops can cure a stye. Some eye drops contain ingredients that help soothe the eye and alleviate discomfort.

Do styes heal naturally?

Styes heal naturally over time, especially with proper home care such as warm compresses and keeping the area clean. However, severe or recurring styes may require medical treatment.

What makes a stye worse?

Several factors can worsen a stye, including poor hygiene, rubbing or touching the infected area, using expired or contaminated makeup, and leaving contact lenses in for too long.

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